Biofeedback Therapy


Biofeedback opens a channel of communication between you and your own body. When we become aware of our bodies, we can help them become more functional. Biofeedback therapy is a tool that helps us train our body/mind towards greater awareness and self-regulation.

Normally, the body regulates its own functions without much conscious awareness. The body manages everything from heart rate to deep sleep and is intended to be entirely “self-regulating.” Yet, much of what chronically ails us is reflective of breakdowns of self-regulation (anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, stress reactions, migraines). Biofeedback helps train the “body/mind” to improve its own regulatory functions.

In biofeedback therapy, we track and bring awareness to the particulars of our functioning-- temperature, breathing, perspiration, blood pressure, for example, are all physiological indicators of stress responses. When we bring awareness to these internal functions with external feedback, we can train ourselves towards regulating our own nervous systems.


How it Works

We place your finger in a sensor that monitors heart rate, skin temperature, stress levels, heart rate variability, and nervous system responses. These measurements are graphically portrayed on a screen to make the inner workings of your stress responses visible and knowable to you. Using this information, we have access to a way to train stress, relaxation, and emotional states so we can learn to self-regulate nervous system responses that would otherwise be automated.


Biofeedback Benefits

  • Helps to relieve anxiety and depression

  • Regulates automated stress responses

  • Helps reduce chronic pain

  • Helps to relieve muscle tension and headaches

  • Helps reduce blood pressure