Tending your Center: the Benefits of the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®

By Anneka Deacon, LMT

A gut feeling, inner knowing… butterflies, a knot in your stomach, being “gutsy”… our belly is central to who we are and how we interact with the world. And it is, literally, our center! If you struggle with ongoing digestive or reproductive challenges or suffer from chronic migraines, your belly may be in need of tending. Arvigo® Therapy, a manual therapy approach that applies ancient Mayan healing practices with a modern scientific understanding of the body, is a gentle and effective tool for tending the belly, the body’s center.

Why tend the belly?

Abdominal and pelvic health is central to our well-being. The enteric nervous system, our “second brain,” is woven through the gut and estimated to contain more neurons than our entire spinal cord. It produces most of the body’s serotonin and close to half of its dopamine, key neurotransmitters for mood-balancing and behavior regulation. The abdomen is also a major thoroughfare for circulation between our upper and lower body, and congestion or restrictions in this region can make us more vulnerable to varicose veins in the lower body and inflammation in the ankles and feet.

Digestive, reproductive, and emotional well-being are all profoundly influenced by the position of our organs. Our abdominal and pelvic organs live, all snuggled together, inside our abdominal and pelvic cavities. Each organ has its own job and specific ways it likes to move in harmony with its neighbors. When our organs are not able to move and slide against each other freely, many kinds of discomfort and disease can result.

A Delicate Balance in the Belly (and Pelvis)

The harmonious dance of our internal organs can be impacted by injury, inflammation, postural habits, or other structural changes. As a result of these and other insults to the body, our organs can shift into less-than-optimal positions resulting in restricted circulation and movement patterns. Restricted circulation impedes the nutrient-waste exchange that our cells need to be healthy and can limit the ability of hormones to get where they need to go. This can contribute to pain, discomfort, and dysfunction in our organs. In addition to ischemic pain (caused by inadequate circulation), we may be more prone to infections or dysfunction in organs that are not getting adequate nutrient-waste exchange. In women this may appear in the form of chronic yeast infections or UTIs, uterine cysts or fibroids, irregular bleeding, cramping, hormonal imbalance, or infertility. In men, it may take the form of low male fertility (unhealthy sperm or low sperm count), prostate swelling, or erectile dysfunction. In anyone it can show up in the form of digestive upset or challenges. Because each internal organ is suspended from our skeleton, when organs are out of their optimal position we may also feel pain or discomfort that we interpret as muscle aches, not realizing the pain we feel is from stuck or displaced organs.

Therapeutic treatments such as Arvigo® Therapy can help to restore balance and healthy circulation, and improve functioning of the abdominal and pelvic organs. Best known for correcting “tipped” or prolapsed uterus in women and improving prostate health in men, Arvigo® Therapy has a range of applications beyond reproductive health, from treating chronic migraines to improving breathing, optimizing digestion, and helping to restore hormonal balance in all phases of life. Restoring healthy movement and circulation to organs that have been stuck or congested allows the body’s natural healing processes to function in those areas, and many symptoms begin to clear up on their own. Fertility often improves, pain decreases, and hormonal balance is supported. Most people also find the treatment to be soothing, nurturing, and relaxing. Even for those who are generally quite healthy and not suffering from reproductive or digestive challenges, this treatment can significantly improve well being by improving circulation between the upper and lower body and freeing up the breath. Each introductory session also includes instruction in how to extend the benefits of your session at home with daily self care massage. As an added benefit, many report that they feel more grounded, clear, and centered after receiving this work!

What is Arvigo® Therapy?

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® (“ATMAT” or “Arvigo® Therapy” for short) was developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo, DN after more than a decade of apprenticeship with a traditional healer, Don Elijio Panti, in the rainforest of Belize. The story of Arvigo’s apprenticeship with Don Elijio Panti and other traditional healers and midwives is chronicled in her book, Sastun. I was fortunate enough to study these techniques with Rosita Arvigo in her home in the vivid and cacophonous Belize rainforest in 2012. Inspired by the results I witnessed in myself and my clients after returning home, I traveled to New Hampshire to study perinatal care in the Maya tradition and became a certified Arvigo practitioner in 2013.

Arvigo® Therapy is a non-invasive, external massage treatment aimed to improve circulation and alignment, supporting homeostasis in the body. Through simple gliding strokes over the belly, the abdominal portion of the treatment gently guides internal organs into position. By releasing physical and emotional congestion from the abdomen, organ function is improved. Alignment, muscle tension, and congestion in the back and pelvis are addressed in the posterior portion of the treatment, to further support nervous system function and overall health.

These techniques are beneficial for both men and women, and are particularly helpful for supporting reproductive and digestive health, as well as chronic migraines.

Arvigo® Therapy can be performed with oil directly on the skin or alternatively through a sheet, depending on the client’s comfort level and preference. The anterior treatment (and self care massage) primarily involves gentle massage of the abdomen, from just above the pubic bone to the bottom of the ribcage. The posterior treatment includes evaluation and gentle structural alignment techniques focused on the pelvic, sacral, lumbar, and thoracic areas. Additional massage and myofascial balancing techniques may be employed to support this alignment work. All of these techniques are generally soothing, enjoyable, relieving, and unhurried. Each session proceeds at the pace that is appropriate for each individual patient.

Common symptoms that can be improved by Arvigo® Therapy

The Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy are offered as a supportive modality to enhance health and wellness. If you have any serious medical conditions, please consult your health care provider first.

For Female Bodies

  • Displaced or prolapsed uterus and or bladder

  • Painful menstrual cycles and ovulation

  • Irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation

  • Chronic bladder or yeast infections

  • Miscarriages, difficult pregnancies

  • Endometriosis

  • Perimenopause, menopausal symptoms

  • Infertility

  • PMS/Depression with menstruation

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Uterine fibroids

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding

  • Eases common complaints in Pregnancy, aids in labor and birthing

  • Pelvic congestion, pain

For Male Bodies

  • Early stages of prostate swelling

  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

  • Prostatitis (mild)

  • Impotence, Erectile Dysfunction (depending on cause)

For All Bodies

  • Headaches/migraines

  • Digestive Disorders

  • Low energy

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • Gastro Esophogeal Reflux (GERD)

  • Crohn's Disease

  • Chronic constipation

  • Low Back ache

  • Chronic indigestion or heartburn

  • Gastritis

  • Restricted breathing due to tension

About Anneka Deacon, LMT

A lifelong fascination with wellness and healing has guided my ongoing study of hands-on healing modalities. As a kinesthetic, experiential learner and instinctive nurturer, hands-on bodywork was a natural fit for me. After completing a BA intended to prepare me for further studies in Naturopathic Midwifery and an abrupt change of direction into aerial acrobatics and circus performance, I completed the 1200-hour massage program at the Brian Utting School of Massage in Seattle in 2007. Further studies took me as far as Belize and New Hampshire to study the Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy with Rosita Arvigo. Additional offerings include myofascial balancing, visceral massage, injury treatment, and McLaughlin scar tissue release.

With attuned focus and an intuitive touch, it is my honor to guide clients through their journey of clearing blocks and restrictions and supporting greater freedom and flow through the body. Sessions may include an integrated blend of techniques to support current needs and concerns, from focus treatment work to pure blissful relaxation massage. I specialize in supporting reproductive health through all phases of life, with a focus around pregnancy and birth. I offer specialized sessions for reproductive and digestive health and am able to provide a safe and gentle space and pacing for clients who have experienced past trauma. Whether you arrive with a specific goal or you simply want support to relax and de-stress, I am happy to be of service to you.

You can find more information about Anneka Deacon’s bodywork practice and Arvigo® Therapy here.



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